Friday, January 13, 2012

everlasting light

-old photograph but one of my favourite's,

just like the colours,

makes me feel 


i'm moving.....

[took it in greece]

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


so my last catch up.
here are some self portraits,
thought i might as well add some,
since i haven't in a while and since it's the new year
and all..

and then on a pretty great note and one
that i wasn't expecting to be honest..
i got into UCT for fine art and majoring in photography..
pretty nifty right?
i rate so..

anyway.. tata..


went to moyo with dan, ry and alex,
had some lunch that was a bit suspect and survived,
went to the river to take some pics,
only to have dan get eaten by leeches
but don't fear he survived.. again..

was such a nice day, we also decided that day that daniel
would go and get fish as pets.
we each got to name one and pick one that would be
the fish version of ourselves.
my fish died.. 
it's quite a grusome story but since i think you are all
old enough to hear it, here goes;
ryan sucks and said that my fish was dead
when in fact she was only taking a small
cat nap and so daniel's
brother's friend, Dylan

(yes i'm, naming names here)

and here's the gruesome bit so listen carefully..

where she fell to her death..
so R.I.P to ash the fish.

on a lighter note, here are some pics.  

THIRD CATCH UP and we're in butterfly world.

with plett and so much in between
there was a long over due date for me and mikes
to have a brotherly, sisterly road trip of sorts.
so me having the treat of being able to pick the place we can 
go explore, i chose butterfly and round koel bay..

i must admit that i have fallen in love with butterfly world,
besides the absolutely gross humidity of the
the butterfly's homes' it's such a magical place..
would go back there anytime,
and the fact that it's a perfect place to get some
great photographs
was just the cherry on top of a rad day,
can you tell i'm a fan of that day?

here are some of the photographs of the 
butterflies and shit..
and mikes 

our new rings